Monday, December 20, 2010

Ugly dolls (Well, one today - one tomorrow!)

The worst part about getting everything bought/made/wrapped a month before Christmas is that you get the bug to have some last minute gifts.  I decided to make ugly dolls for the kids!

The hardest part of making an ugly doll is figuring out HOW UGLY to make it!
I started with a few sketches.  Then called in the reserves (the hubby) for back up.
He asked me what I was sketching on.   
Yup.  Kind of sums me up.   

Then we spent so much time discussing the sticky notes, I had to stop crafting for dinner.
Yum!  Back to task...

He narrowed it down to these four.
Then asked me where the monkey was.  
Duh.  How do you forget a monkey in an ugly doll sketch?! 
Unbelievable.  I must have been tired. 
So the monkey was thrown in and voted on in a last minute upset.  

I decided to do the teddy bear ugly doll first.
I folded my two colors in half and drew one half of the ugly doll on the seam. 

Then I cut the two layers out. 
Next, I cut out the accessories and laid them out how I wanted them to be sewn on.
On a side note...I LOVE adding the eyes.  Eyes gives everything a personality. 
This guy started taking on a Mr. Bill personality. 

Once you get all your extras sewn on, you can either put the right sides together and sew, then flip him right-side out or (be lazy like me) and just sew the two right sides together and let your seams show.  After all, its an ugly doll; its supposed to be ugly.

Of course-Ugly doll does not have a name yet, (that will be up to the kids), but he certainly wanted to make sure he met everyone that was home. 
I think he was a little worried about Honda.

Clearly the hubs was not impressed with being introduced to the ugly doll.

Well, that's about it for today.  Most of my weekend was spent traveling, sleeping, eating, and cleaning.

Stayed tuned for tomorrow's Ugly Monkey!


  1. Hello! I found you at Pinkapotamus and I am loving your blog! This post is hilarious! I wanted to invite you to enter my $50 American Express giveaway and my link party that are both going on this week! Keep up the great blogging and happy holidays! -Dana

  2. Anonymous20/12/10

    So cute - they're adorable! the pic of Josh eating his chocolate letter already!


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